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Here’s Ro…

When a writer creates a character, they always have a picture of what that character looks like in mind and, of course, tries to describe that character in words so the reader will also have a picture in mind,

This was especially important to me with Ro, since in her effort to be taken seriously in what is pretty much a man’s world – police work – she developed what she thought of as her “cop face,” a no nonsense frown.

As part of publishing a new edition of “Ro’s Handle” – more on this later – we commissioned a new cover AND were lucky enough to find Rick Turylo, who has done hundreds of book covers.

I will share that new cover design soon. But what I really wanted share as soon as possible was his concept of what Ro’s cop face looks like – needless to say, as far as I’m concerned he nailed it!

This IS Deputy Sheriff Ro Delahanty in cop mode.

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